Rousettus® for $99.00 For Sale!

Rousettus® Visually Impaired Yoga Mat Kit: 3D Mat, 2 Instructional Dvds, Carrying Strap |Rousettus® | Reviews

Product Overview

VIYM® is a patent pending, three dimensional, thickly cushioned, yellow yoga mat, perfect for all beginners. With raised and depressed tactile features strategically placed, the student can feel where hands, feet, head, hips, spine or belly should be placed for optimal body alignment during a yoga posture sequence.
Tactile features (1) create a self check system to enhance and optimize structural body alignment; (2) increase orientation for a blind or low vision student; (3) assist those with ADD or ADHD to stay on task and engaged; (4) stimulate body awareness.
Features on VIYM® include a raised center line, two sets of feet stations (ball and heel of the foot depression with raised lip, raised circle with recessed letter "R" for right foot station and raised "L" for left foot station), three sets of hand stations ( two finger bars with raised "R" and "L" and Braille respectively, raised center triangle).
VIYM® measures ¼" thick, 68" long, and 24" wide. It is textured, bright yellow and made of EVA. VIYM® comes with a black nylon carrying strap designed to be used as handle or 'backpack' by adjusting strap location on the rolled mat.
The DVDs are descriptive and instructional. The style of yoga is gentle to moderate, easy on the joints. Each DVD contains an introduction, notice & precautions, description of VIYM®, body parts & definitions, centering & pranayama, warm ups, posture sequence, guided relaxation.
Basic Series 1 DVD is 50 minutes 47 seconds, designed to be used in the time allotted for a physical education class. Basic 1 posture sequence: Mountain, Standing Squat, Warrior 1, Cobra, Bow, Half Locust, Child, Great Seal, Spinal Twist.
Basic Series 2 DVD is 63 minutes, designed with a longer warm up and posture sequence. Basic 2 posture sequence: Mountain, Modified Half Moon, Triangle, Tree Boat, Knee-down Spinal Twist, Inverted Turtle, Frog, Bound Angle, Posterior Stretch, Spinal Twist, Forward Bend.

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