prAna E.C.O. Sticky Mat

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Price on Jun 06, 2010 14:01:52 : $43.95

Availability : N/A

prAna E.C.O. Sticky Mat Features

  • Eco-friendly ,Two sided textured surface ,Natural anti-slip properties ,Dim: 72" (186cm) Long x 26" (66cm) Wide x 5mm (0.5cm) Thick
  • Eco-friendly
  • No heavy metals, no PVC, two sided textured surface and reversible two tone colors
  • Natural anti-slip properties
  • 100% Thermal Plastic Elastomer

prAna E.C.O. Sticky Mat Overviews

Natural anti-slip properties combine with eco-friendly natural construction for an all-around great design. Double-sided textured surface features double the color options.

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Customer Review

This mat is amazing! The extra length is wonderful, I never run out of mat anymore. What I like best about the mat is the part that's hard to explain...when I am in savasana or tadasana I truly feel "supported by the Earth"; it's this wonderful feeling, almost like a warm hug. It sounds weird but it's true!

Was great - until it disintegrated within 6 months... - Yogi from Israel -
I practice Ashtanga 3-4 times a week, and loved the concept of the ECO friendly mat. The mat is indeed very comfortable, however, within 6 months, under the hands and feet, pieces of the mat started to fall out. After every head stand, I had to shake light blue particles from my hair. I've now flipped it over, am waiting for it to totally fall apart, which won't take long. Not sure what Yoga mat to get in it's place. Probably the Manduka black mat - at least it lasts forever, which is more eco-friendly than one which you need to replace so frequently.

Do not buy this mat, unless you need something to sleep on the floor with!! - Janet K. Nabring-Stager - Lakewood, OH United States
I was so excited to get my new mat. I was so sad when it was a completely awful mat. Couldn't hold a down dog to save my life with this mat, kept slipping around everywhere. The reviewer who mentioned this was 100% on target and I should have listened to her! Now I have to deal with returning the mat. My el-cheapo .99 mat worked better than this piece of garbage! What was Prana thinking??

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